Easy Mail Settings

How to configure Eaglecom.net for your iOS Device

With this article I will try to teach you configuring Eaglecom.net using POP and SMTP in a straightforward language...
Posted: 2021-07-02 • Updated: 2022-01-10

Configuring Eaglecom.net:

Mail app may find the configuration itself, and configure your account. Apply the following steps to try:

  1. Go to Settings > Mail, and tap Accounts
  2. Click Add Account, tap Other, and click Add Mail Account
  3. Type your name (can be any name), email address, password then a description for account.
  4. Click Next. Mail should try and find the email parameters and finish setting your account. If Mail finds your e-mail configuration, click Done to finish your account setup.

In case Mail didn't automatically set up your account, it means that you have to enter them manually. You may find the info below useful:

Settings Needed for Receiving Mail with POP

Server Hostnamepop3.eaglecom.net
Server Port110
UsernameYour username (do not include the part after the @ sign)

Outgoing E-mail Server Setup (via SMTP)

Server Hostnamesmtp.eaglecom.net
Server Port25
UsernameYour username (do not include the part after the @ sign)

Tap Next, then follow these steps:

  1. Select either IMAP or POP. If you are not certain which one to choose, contact Eaglecom.net.
  2. Enter the information (You might have a look at the table above) for Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server. Then click Next
  3. If the email setup is correct, click Save to finish . If your e-mail settings are incorrect, the Mail app will ask you to modify them.
  4. In case you still can't setup your email account, or store the settings, contact Eaglecom.net.
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